Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Worthless Pile of Steaming Refuse

I'm a terrible blogger. The neglect is just...it's absolutely terrible. I am ashamed of myself and of you. Why you? Because you're here, even though I have proven that I am a worthless pile of steaming refuse.

But, since you ARE here, I might as well write an actual post.

You know how, if you're keeping a journal, and you fall behind, it's hard to get yourself to sit down and write again because you imagine that you have to cover all the ground you've missed since the last time you wrote? That somewhat explains my neglect.

Instead of having posts on some of these things, allow me to just bullet them in, and if you're interested, you can look up more information/opinions/randomly, loosely related material.
  • Dr. Stranglove - I finally saw it, and I LOVED it. Kubrick is a genius. A genius. I'm not exagerating. The man is a true, over-the-top, blow-your-mind, I-feel-like-a-much-dumber-person-even-thinking-about-it genius. Watch this movie. Five times.
  • Sarah Palin who? - Yes, I'm terribly excited, just like most of the rest of the Republican base and all of the non-feminazi women in the country (and, I'm sure, many outside of it as well.)
  • 10 Things I Hate About You - You're wondering if I just saw this movie for the first time. How dare you wonder that? No, I just saw it again for the first time in a while. Is it as simply wonderful as I've always thought of it to be? Short answer: yes. It's not a perfect film, but it's spectacularly charming and still stands heads and shoulders above every other teen movie ever made (I'm not including John Cusack's masterpiece Better Off Dead)
  • David Copperfield - I'm currently reading it, and it's making me a better writer. Dickens is like the elixir of literary ability.
  • Blues Traveler - Turns out they're really good. I know, I'm about a decade late for this one, but better late than...oh nevermind.
  • Charlie Chaplin - *swoon* I love this man. When you have spare minutes to spend on YouTube, type this name in to feel good. Several of his contemporaries were just as magnificent (such as Buster Keaton), but I'm mad with respect and admiration for Charles right now, and that's all I have to say. Except for pointing you toward this video:

Hm. There's a lot more. And what I wrote probably doesn't come close to covering all of the really burning-important things I really, REALLY meant to blog about. Oh well.

Here's the latest, best thing, though:

If you know anything about what's going on in the frenzied banality of the current political landscape, I predict audible laughter on your part. I laughed pretty hard--which is something that SNL has failed to help me do for years.

I won't let two months slip by again. I promise. And promises are like candy...you never forget about them and look forward to eating them at the first available opportunity. Also, they come wrapped in shiny paper sometimes, which I always enjoy.