Monday, December 29, 2008



Sunday, December 28, 2008

Something to Seriously Consider




For every exotic object (such as a disemfairied tail), there is a collector (or collectors). What might be the best way to store these presumably magical objects?

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

After Too Long an Absence, I Bring You…

OK listen. I'm sorry. I maintain two blogs, and this one used to be more popular. Unfortunately, I personally enjoy posting in the other one more. I've spent more time making it look sort of neat, and sometimes I go back and read the posts (which are most often movie reviews) because I'm narcissistic enough to get off on reading my own writing more frequently than is appropriate or healthy.

Oh well.

So, I found this the other day. It's from a website called Graphjam, to which I was pointed by my very good friend, contine—I mean Asia. This one is dumb but made me chuckle, which is how it earned its place here:

If you didn't think that was at all humorous, you'll be happy to know I have a contingency plan. Nothing dramatic, just a different flavor of funny.

(And for this one, I have Laura to thank.)

I'll try not to stay away for so long next time. But really, if you're dying for some Jordan-speak, perhaps you could try sating yourself with my slightly-less-funny but still super awesome blog. (It's called "My Big Mouth," which is…sort of funny, right?)

Alright, until next time, here's to hoping you all survive gentrification.