I have a friend named Dan Pelissier. He's a man with a house. And a yard. He lives in Massachusetts, but his yard has no grass. It has dandelions.
Years ago, he explained to me that having dandelions in your yard makes a lot more sense than grass.
First of all, they don't require any effort or money. They grow on their own, uniformly, wiping out other plant life--something we've never been able to get our beautiful grass to do.
Second of all, they're pretty.
Third (and most importantly), blowing dandelion seeds into the wind is pretty much the bomb diggity.
Tangentially, he informed me that this practice made his neighbor (who keeps an incredibly high-maintenance, expensive grass lawn) furious. But he hated his neighbor, so that turned out to also be a benefit.
So. Dandelions vs. Grass. It's on.