Thursday, May 29, 2008

Butterflies are ugly

You don't believe me, look at one up close.

I just made up a new word:


Yes, it's just one more unfunny example of someone (in this case, me) trying to hide the sad fact that their vocabulary is woefully sub-par. I can sound smart and clever by combining synonyms for "good." For example, here is a list of synonyms:


Definition: Really, really, really good.

And then there's the slowly dying word, the mere utterance of which some overly-large families still find unjustifiably hilarious: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

Be wise, my friends, and never, ever utter that word. I should also add that singing the song is probably akin to signing a social death warrant.

1 comment:

L. Laws said...

You are hilondiant.

Also, I have nothing else to do with my life but read your blogs.